
Showing posts from September, 2022

6 WAY TO BEST MEDITATION OF YOURSELF (Meditation for benefits + Guided Meditation + Meditation for spirituality)

Here, is the most 6 Six essential way to Meditation so effectively,,  Meditation for benefits + Guided Meditation + Meditation for spirituality   6 Six Types Of Meditation ,  1. Breathing. Can meditating be as simple as paying attention to your breath for a few minutes? You bet. Relax in whatever position works best for you, close your eyes and start to pay attention to your breathing. Breathing through your nose gets your diaphragm involved and gets oxygen all the way to the bottom of your lungs. As your mind wanders, just re-focus your attention on the air going in and out of your nose. Just do this for several minutes, or longer as you get used to it. 2. An empty mind meditation.  Meditating can create a kind of “awareness without object,” an emptying of all thoughts from your mind. The techniques for doing this involve sitting still, often in a “full lotus” or cross-legged position, and letting the mind go silent on its own.  It can be difficult, particularly since any effort seems

6 Tips For A Healthy And Shining Skin

6 Tips For A Healthy And Shining Skin  1 - Drink Water  Water has long been considered as the most efficient natural treatment or an almost free treatment for any skin condition because of its being alkaline, with pH 7.3. It prevents dehydration which is capable of producing sebum or oil from the sebaceous glands. Your skin needs water in order for it to function best, thus doctors and nutritionists suggest that a daily intake of between 6 to 8 glasses of water per day is highly needed.  2 - Watch Your Diet  Nutrition plays a vital role in skin health too. Specific foods such as those acidic foods and dairy products are said to be effective in causing an allergic reaction in some people. Also, one of the widely debated topics in the area of nutrition today is chocolates. Whatever the result may be, the best advice is just to follow a nutritious diet that has a number of fresh fruits and green-leafy veggies, as well as fiber.  3 - Consider a Healthy Routine for Facial Care  When it come

6 Acne Myths True Or False

 6 Acne Myths True Or False We’ will just come out and say it; there is a lot of misleading and downright wrong information out there about acne. Thankfully, scientific research has dispelled a lot of these ‘acne myths’. We now have a pretty good idea of what does and does not cause acne.  Let’s take a look at sixth of the biggest of these acne myths. True or False? Find out the truth about common acne and its myths Acne Myth #1: Acne is caused by eating certain foods This one has been around a long time yet is supported by exactly no scientific proof. Although certain individuals may seem experience outbreaks when they eat certain foods, there is no universal laws that apply to everyone. Eating pizza, chocolate, nuts, and greasy foods will not increase your acne. Acne Myth #2: Acne is related to dirt or having dirty skin Although having clean skin has other benefits, dirt does not cause acne. Acne is formed under the surface of the skin and is due to build-ups of sebum and dead skin c

7 Seven Steps For Keeping Teeth Healthy For A Lifetime

 7 Seven Steps For Keeping Teeth Healthy For A Lifetime A smile can last a lifetime , if you take care of it. For that reason , it's important FOR PARENTS to in still good Oral health Habit . in children as early as passable 🙆   “Oral health disease is making disturbing inroads into communities across the country,” Dr. Marsha Butler, Colgate-Palmolive’s Vice President, Global Oral Health and Professional Relations, explains. “For children between the ages of 5 and 17 here in the U.S., tooth decay is more common than asthma, more common than hay fever, and it poses a significant threat to our children’s overall health and well-being.” Recently , during the celebration of National Children’s Dental Health Month, Colgate and Dr. Carmona unveiled “The U.S. Surgeon General’s Seven Steps to a Bright Smile,” tips that were developed, with a grant from Colgate-Palmolive, to help keep teeth and gums strong and healthy: 1. Brush teeth and gums with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day,

Yoga Positions For Beginners (योग )

 Yoga Positions For Beginners        शुरुआती के लिए योग की स्थिति शुरुआती लोगों के लिए योग की स्थिति सीखना इतना आसान है। यदि आपने किसी योग सत्र का अनुभव नहीं किया है या नहीं देखा है, तो यह कोई समस्या नहीं है। चिकित्सकों ने मन, शरीर और आत्मा के एकीकरण के बारे में बात की है। उन्होंने दावा किया कि यह योग अभ्यास और तकनीकों के अभ्यास के माध्यम से हासिल किया जाएगा। यदि आप योग के बारे में पहली बार सुन रहे हैं, तो आप निश्चित रूप से आश्चर्यचकित होंगे कि ये अभ्यास कैसे किए जाते हैं और यह कैसा दिखता है। चूंकि आप एक नौसिखिया हैं, आप भी निश्चित रूप से पूछेंगे कि आपके लिए किस तरह की स्थिति सबसे अच्छी होगी। योगियों का मानना ​​​​है कि मन और शरीर एक एकीकृत संरचना में बंधे हैं। यह विश्वास कभी विफल नहीं हुआ और समय के साथ बदल गया। योग ने बड़े पैमाने पर सद्भाव के माध्यम से स्वयं को ठीक करने की एक अद्भुत प्रक्रिया का प्रदर्शन किया है। यह सफलतापूर्वक किया जा सकता है यदि आप उचित वातावरण में हैं। योग के महान प्रभावों के साथ, डॉक्टरों को विश्वास हो गया है कि योग के कुछ चिकित्सीय परिणाम हैं और उन लोगों के लिए अन

Give Yourself Time to be Bored

 Give Yourself Time to be Bored''                                           It only works if you do it RARELY☝🏻  These moments of empty "not thinking" are really useful for our brain, because creative ideas come to our mind during boredom, and the brain consolidates previously processed information. which may composed our ability to enhance productivities'. If you have to do a challenging task you don't know how to approach, then divide the task into many subtasks. The smaller the subtasks, the better.  and most important thing is that cleaver our mind and mindset. ALTHOUGH, it is important to note the main theme of productive mindset.

How To Build a Positive Thinking Mindset?

 Your brain works on autopilot most of the time  The average human brain generates 60,000 thoughts per day.  Just imagine! But more than 40,000 of them are the same thoughts you were chasing in your head yesterday. That's why it's so easy to slip into a negative perception of life.  And that's why we need to switch from familiar to strange surroundings frequently in order to "clear" our mind.  Negative thoughts create stress and anxiety on their own, even if there is no real reason for it. And they actually damage our immune system, which has to deal with them. Train your brain! Make it register positive thoughts as often as possible. The more you try, the faster and easier it will be.  Being conscious about life is all about trying to take these unconscious processes under your own control.  


  Free Tips to Increase Self Esteem  I have had many confidence issues in my life, all of which I have either dealt with or overcome. I have written about some of these issues below.  1. MY HEIGHT 2. MY WEIGHT  3. THE STUTTER 4. MY LACK OF BLIEVE IN MYSELF  5. MY CAREER MY HEIGHT  Out of all of my close male family and friends, I am the shortest at 5ft 4. This probably should not influence my confidence however with people continually looking down on me it did. I have been called many names, the nicest being “Shorty”. I was always jealous of other people taller than I was. I hoped that one day I might have a late spurt. This never came. My height affected me with sport. I wanted to be a striker at football however the coaches only wanted people over 6ft tall. At snooker I am constantly having to use the rest which makes it difficult to play up to the best standard and at tennis I was constantly being lobbed. It also meant that I only felt comfortable dating women 5ft 3 and under which

How To Lose Weight With An Exercise Bike Program

 आपकी पैंट थोड़ी टाइट है, आप जंक FOOD खाना बंद नहीं कर सकते, और आप हर समय थके हुए हैं।  यह स्वस्थ होने और वजन कम करने का समय है। अधिक समझदार आहार के साथ, एक व्यायाम बाइक आपको इच्छित परिणाम प्राप्त करने में मदद कर सकती है।                                A GOOD DIET, आहार। इतने सारे लोग यहाँ गलत हो जाते हैं। सनक आहार भूल जाओ, भुखमरी भूल जाओ। धीमी और स्थिर रेस जीतता है। अपने आहार के बारे में एक चीज़ बदलने का प्रयास करें। अपने आप को एक दिन में एक सोडा तक सीमित रखें। खाना छोड़ना बंद कर दें। यदि आप हमेशा अपनी थाली साफ करते हैं, तो एक या दो काटने छोड़ना शुरू करें। आहार में कुल परिवर्तन काम है। यदि आप आमूलचूल परिवर्तन के लिए जाते हैं, तो आप विफलता के लिए खुद को स्थापित कर रहे हैं। आपको आश्चर्य होगा कि छोटे परिवर्तन कितनी अच्छी तरह काम करते हैं। सही बाइक तय करती है आपकी सफलता  यह एक गंभीर रूप से महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है। वस्तुतः सैकड़ों व्यायाम बाइक उपलब्ध हैं। आपके लिए सबसे अच्छा काम करने वाले को खोजने के लिए आपको अपने साथ ईमानदार रहना होगा। यदि आप अपने आप से किसी काल्पनिक दुनिया में बात करते हैं